Hi, I'm Mohammad Heriyanto. I'm
I'm an (artificial intelligence) AI engineer who is developing applications using machine learning & deep learning in computer vision for tiny, edge and data center devices; a geophysicist who does geophysical (non-seismic) modeling and inversion for geothermal and mineral system using metaheuristics and machine learning: ezygeo-ai; a blog/web developer using content management system (cms); and an Islamic studies enthusiast who is developing Nusantara Muslim Scholars (NMS) and Alhazen.
Research Profiles
Work Profiles
Coding Profiles
Community Profiles
Opinions and Thoughts
Software | []
Geo WebApps.
Job/Internship Experience(s) | []
Machine Learning Engineer [ML]
[2023-04-01 - now] Geology Data Analyst at PT Bumi Suksesindo. Banyuwangi. [here]
[2019-06-28 - 2023-03-31] Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer at PT Delameta Bilano. Jakarta. [here]
Website Developer [WD]
[2018-08-17 - 2019-06-24] Department of Geophysical Engineering, UP. Jakarta. [here|file]
[2019-04-01 - 2019-04-08] Department of Petroleum Engineering, UP. Jakarta. [here|file]
[2016-10-22 - 2017-12-30] Modeling and Inversion Lab. ITB. Bandung. [here|file]
Geoscientist [GS]
[2023-04-01 - now] Supervisor at Geoscience Department, PT Bumi Suksesindo. Banyuwangi.
[2019-05-18 - 2019-05-19] IRIS Syscal Pro for Underwater Exploration. Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan.
[2019-04-30 - 2019-05-03] GPR MALA for Construction. Kementrian PUPR. Makasar, South Sulawesi and Manado, North Sulawesi.
[2019-03-26 - 2019-03-29] GPR MALA and GPS Trimble for Construction. PT. Titan Indonesia. Jakarta.
[2018-12-07 - 2018-12-09] IRIS Syscal Pro for Underwater Exploration. LPPMI Universitas Pertamina. Bogor, West Java.
Academic Experience(s)
[Aug 2017 - Jun 2019] Laboratory Assistant & Researcher at Geophysical & Computational Laboratory, Department of Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Exploration and Production Technology, Universitas Pertamina (UP), Indonesia.
[Oct 2016 - Des 2017] Research Assistant at Modeling and Inversion Laboratory, Induction Electromagnetic of Physics of Earth and Complex Systems Research Division, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia.
[2016] Assistant of Earth Physics and Complex Systems Lecture, ITB.
[Feb 2016 - Oct 2016] Undergraduate Coordinator in Modeling and Inversion Laboratory, Physics, ITB.
[2014 - 2016] Laboratory Assistant of Elementary Physics, TPB ITB (2014/2015); Electronics, Physics ITB (2015/2016); Advanced Physics, Physics ITB (2015/2016); Computational Physics, Physics ITB (2015/2016)
Formal Education(s)
[2012 - 2016] Bachelor's Degree (B.Sc.), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. Major: Physics and Field of Study: Earth Physics.
[2009 - 2012] Senior High School, SMAN 1 Purwoharjo, Banyuwangi, East Java Indonesia. Major: Natural Science (IPA). Certified by Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI.
[2006 - 2009] Junior High School, Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Roudlatul Muta’alimin, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. Major: Islamic Studies. Certified by Departemen Pendidikan Nasional RI, Departemen Agama RI, and LP Maarif NU.
[2000 - 2006] Elementary School, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) NU 1 Purwoharjo, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. Major: Islamic Studies. Certified by Departemen Pendidikan Kab. Banyuwangi, Departemen Agama RI, and LP Maarif NU.
Islamic Education(s)
[2013 - 2014] Pesantren Mahasiswa (Pesma) Masjid Salman ITB, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. [Kitab Tijan ad-Durori - Tauhid (Ust. Yajid Kalam & Ust. Yani); Kitab Halaqatur Robiah - Fiqih (Ust. Zainal Mustaqim); Kitab Nashoihul Ibad - Akhlak (Ust. Zainal Mustaqim & Ust. Ery); Kitab Ta'limul Muta'alim (Ust. Zainal Mustaqim)].
[2007 - 2011] Madrasah Diniyah (Madin) Mushola Darussalam Purwoharjo, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. [Khatam: al-Qur'an 30 Juz (ijazah dari Ust. Hamdan Syakirin & Ust. Fathul Qarib); Kitab Mabadi Fiqih jilid 1, 2, 3 & 4 & Kitab Sulam Munajah (Ust. Hamdan Syakirin); Kitab Syiir Fasholatan (Ust. Bakin); Kitab Ta'limul Muta'alim & Akhlakul Banin (Ust. Bakin); Tajwid (Ust. Thohir); Kitab Lubabul Hadits].
[2006 - 2007] Taman Pendidikan Qur'an (TPQ) Mushola ar-Rahman, Purwoharjo dan Madin Muhammadiyah Mbah Ardani, Bulurejo, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. [Juz 'Amma atau Juz ke-30 dalam al-Qur'an].
[2001 - 2006] Taman Pendidikan Qur'an (TPQ) Mushola al-Amin, Purwoharjo, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. [Khatam: Buku Iqra' 1-5].
Course(s) and Training(s) | []
[2019] Geostatistic Workshop "The Application of Geostatistics in Reservoir Characterization". Geophysical Engineering & Geoscience Landmark Halliburton. Instructor: Andrean Satria. Jakarta, February 14th, 2019. [Courses]
[2019] Python for Geoscientists Course Batch I & II as Facilitator. SEG SC University of Pertamina. Instructor: Agus Abdullah. Jakarta, Desember 17-19th, 2018. [Courses]
[2017] Magnetotelluric (MT) Survey (Acquisition & Processing). Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE). Instructor: Imam B. Raharjo. Bogor, August 23rd, 2017. [Training]
[2015 & 2017] English Language Courses in Marvelous (2 Weeks, June 29, 2015), Elfast (2 Months: May 10 - June 18, 2017 & 1 Month: Jan 10 - Feb 10, 2018), Peace (1 Month: Jan 10 - Feb 10, 2018) Pare, Kediri, East Java. [Courses]
Seminar(s) | []
[2019] Special Leadership Event Exploration Academy (EXA) Program PHE "Leadership, People Development and Revolution Industry 4.0" by Tanri Abeng (Komisaris Utama PT. Pertamina Persero). Jakarta, Feb 20th, 2019.
[2018] Integrated Geoscience Solutions from Exploration to Production by Jimmy Ting (Region Manager, CGG Geosoftware Far East). The Upbringing Session, Pertamina University. Jakarta, November 28th, 2018.
[2018] Volcanic Geology and Volcanic Hazard Mitigation by Prof. Tsukasa Ohba. The Upbringing Session, Pertamina University. Jakarta, October 19th, 2018.
[2017] Exploring Indonesia's Marine Energy Potentials by R. Dwi Susanto. The Upbringing Session, Pertamina University. Jakarta, October 19th, 2017.
[2017] Perkembangan Data Science dalam Ilmu Kebumian. Data Science Indonesia. Jakarta, Nov 12th, 2017.
[2017] Pengenalan Sistem Kontrak Migas di Indonesia by Adriansyah, Ph.D. (Presiden Direktur PT. Pertamina EP Cepu). The Upbringing Session, Pertamina University. Jakarta, November 10th, 2017.
[2015] Technology, Investment, dan Energy Security. From Geophysics Engineering Student Community, ITB. Attended by Head of SKK Migas (Amien Sunardi), President Commisioner of PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia (PT. CPI) (Abdul Hamid Batubara), Economist and Deputy I of President Expert Staff (Darmawan Prasojo, P.hD), and Ir. Nenny M. Saptadji. Bandung, Nov 21, 2015.
[2014] Seminar of The 1st International Student Geology Festival (IGSFI). From Geology Student Association, ITB. Bandung, Nov 14, 2014.
Speakers | Tutorials []
[2021] Artificial Intelligence. Physics, Samudra University. Aceh, December 4, 2021.
[2020] Python Applications in Real Worlds and Career for Fresh Graduates. Python University, Geophysical Engineering, Pertamina University. Jakarta, February 2, 2020.
[2019] Python Applications for Geoscientist (Earth Physicist) and Data Scientist. WS Channel, Modeling and Inversion Lab, Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Bandung, May 4, 2019.
[Jul 1th, 2019 - now] Member, Machine Learning Indonesia.
[Nov 17th, 2017 - now] Member, Data Science Indonesia.
[Apr 5th-14th, 2019] Assistant and Field Coordinator, Field Camp Geophysical Engineering 2019 for Geophysical Engineering Student of Universitas Pertamina in Ciseeng, Bogor, West Java.
[Sep 2015] Field Coordinator and Public Relations&Permission Division, “Sewu Kelir Blambangan” Show, Ukawangi ITB. Attended by Rector of ITB, Regent of Banyuwangi-East Java, and Tourism Minister of Indonesian Republic.
[2014 - 2015] Chairman of Syiar Division in Physics Islamic Students, ITB (MAIFI ITB).
[2014 - 2015] Member of Rebana (Islamic Music) Student Unit, ITB.
[May 2014] Chair of Invited Guest and Jury in Rebana Festival 2014, ITB.
[2013 - 2014] Member of External Relation in Physics Students Association (HIMAFI) ITB.
[2013 - 2014] Head of Student Da’i Corps, Dakwah Division (KDM) at Salman ITB Mosque.
[2012 - 2014] Coordinator of Students Pesantren (Informal School) at Salman ITB Mosque.
[2013] Member of Islamic Students Family (Gamais), ITB Student Unit.
[2012 - 2013] General Secretary of Nahdlatul Ulama Student Family (KMNU) and Indonesian Islamic Students Movement Community (PMII), Commissariat at ITB.
[2011 - 2012] Leader of Islamic Division and Takmir in Student Organization. SMAN 1 Purwoharjo – Banyuwangi.
[2012] Leader of Sub-districs Scouting Organization (Dewan Kerja Ranting). Sub-distric: Purwoharjo – Banyuwangi.
[2011 - 2012] Leader of Scouting Organization (Dewan Ambalan). SMAN 1 Purwoharjo – Banyuwangi.
[2008 - 2009] Leader of Student Organization (OSIS). MTs Roudlatul Muta’alimin, Cluring - Banyuwangi (Junior High School).
[2007 - 2008] Leader of Student Organization (OSIS). MI NU 1 Purwoharjo - Banyuwangi (Elementary School).
Award(s) and Scholarship(s)
[2012 - 2016] Bidikmisi Scholarship, The Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia.
Last updated on December 14th, 2023.
Mohammad Heriyanto, S.Si.